Here are a few ministry highlights. Most of our ministry at the Endeavor Church caters to young people. Don't get me wrong, we have a thriving seniors department, a very active women's ministry and a men's ministry that really loves to eat. But most of our resources are used for school aged students.

Relentless Youth
The Relentless Youth Ministry meets every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. We try to schedule a "mountain top" experience at least once each quarter. Camping trips, summer beach trips, local and foreign mission trips to name a few. In addition we try to have a least one minor event each month. And yes we do Lock-In's
Endeavor Learning Lab
We love students so much we built a STEAM (science technology engineering arts and math) lab to provide tools for homeschooling families, to provide enrichment for public school students, and to provide tutoring for anyone in need. To date we have provided over 100 courses and had over 1000 students participate.

Endeavor Children's Ministry

Women of Endeavor
The women's ministry meets for prayer on Friday mornings at 10am. They have a monthly meeting usually on Wednesdays with everyone and in addition they provide meals for those who have been hospitalized. They endlessly plan showers for weddings and babies. They continuously organize church-wide meals where they beautify everything with decorations and themselves! They also do annual women conferences. This would be a drab place both visually and spiritually without our women's ministries.
Children meet every Sunday morning after praise and worship. We have corporate praise and worship. In fact there are children on our worship team. After praise and worship they have their own service. The highlight of the year is the annual summer camp at Endeavor!

Men of Endeavor
The Men of Endeavor are meeting on the second Thursday of every month starting on August 12th. During the pandemic they have been meeting in small groups and building relationships. If you are looking for a group to grow in your faith and be encouraged this is the group for you.
One word describes the Primetimers and that is fellowship. If you're 50 or over or you just want to be socially active join this group. They know all the best restaurants and love to do day trips. If the Primetimers had a motto it would be "Life has just begun!"

Endeavor Worship
The mission of our Worship Team is to create an atmosphere of praise and worship everywhere we go while ushering others into the presence of God. Pointing all people to Jesus and glorifying Him whether leading through songs or our everyday lives. Our worship team is more than just a group of people. We serve and love others as a family.
Endeavor Cares
The mission of this ministry is to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Helping others in need. Whether helping people with disaster relief or helping people with issues around their homes.